Serenity Sunday
61 Bridge St, Ongaonga, Ongaonga
yogaAT61BridgeSt is thrilled to host a beautiful Sunday of Meditation, Movement and delicious vegetarian food.
We welcome Kadam Birgit Saunders from the Amitabha Buddhist Centre, who will be sharing two lectures - How to Meditate and Habits of Happy People.
Every body is welcome - no experience necessary - just bring an open mind and a sense of curiosity [& wear comfortable clothing]. Chairs, cushions, mats etc. all available.
Numbers are strictly limited to 20.
Any questions about the event can be directed to Michelle 0274749998
Sitting silently doing nothing spring comes and the grass grows by itself
-Matsuo Basho [1644-1694]
Sun 23rd Feb 2025, 9:30am
yogaAT61BridgeSt, Ongaonga, Central Hawke's Bay
61 Bridge St, Ongaonga, Ongaonga