Intermediate Improv Classes - Adults

7 Lee Road Taradale, Napier

Need more fun and laughter in your life?
Then improv is for you.
Some experience is required for this course either by completing our 'Intro to Improv' course or by previous improv or acting experience. If you're unsure where you fit, then feel free to contact our creative director Emma Bowyer at

Our Improv for Adult courses are open to those 18 years or over.

This is the next level up from our Intro to Improv course for those who want to train further and have lots more fun.

Once paid there are no refunds unless the class has been cancelled.

Improv Academy's classes offer a positive and safe environment through the art of improvisation and the use of positive psychology.

We use heaps of fun games and imaginative scenarios in our lessons, to teach:

- improv & drama skills,
- teamwork,
- positive body language,
- respecting ourselves and others,
- public speaking skills,
- confidence and resilience.

Guaranteed to make you laugh out loud and enjoy yourself.
If you don't leave our classes with a smile on your face, we're doing something wrong!

Take a look around...



Co-Lab Taradale , Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne

7 Lee Road Taradale, Napier

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