Common Poet's Society

227 Heretaunga St East, Hastings

Common Poet's Society is back in its spiritual home with the monthly open mic night that invites you to share the words that have been beating themselves against the inside of your head with your nearest and dearest friends.

On the last Thursday of every month from 7:30pm, we invite writers, readers, listeners and poetry enthusiasts to come join us and share their words, or just sit back and let them wash over you. If you would like to perform please come in and register on the night.

Common Poet's Society is a safe space to share the intimacies of your work and be free to be your authentic self without recourse to hate speech or fear of discrimination.

Bar open from 3pm. Poets register by 7.30pm.

Take a look around...



Common Room, Hastings, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne

227 Heretaunga St East, Hastings